Ongoing Projects

LAC Academic Development Program

The World Literacy Organization (WLO), through the “Academic Development Program for Latin America and the Caribbean”, in collaboration with various governments, ministries, and institutions in the region, seeks to benefit a large portion of the population through academic programs tailored to the different needs of Latin American citizens.



The World Literacy Organization (WLO), or Organización Mundial de Alfabetización, is an entity dedicated to eradicating illiteracy and improving education globally. Its mission includes the development of educational programs, training citizens to face the challenges of the 21st century with confidence and skill, and the use of innovative technologies. It collaborates with governments and non-governmental organizations to implement educational initiatives, promoting literacy as a fundamental right and a key tool for socioeconomic development.

Who makes up the World Literacy Organization?

  • Companies
  • Ministries
  • Educators
  • Students
  • Universities
  • Families

The educator is the person who makes difficult things seem easy.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

In the end, as humans when we die, we take with us what we have given and leave behind what we have.

Betty Villasmil de Pimentel

Education does not change the world, it changes the people who are going to change the world.

Paulo Freire

Latest News

El Ministro de Turismo, Mateo Estrella, firmó un convenio con la World Literacy Organization (WLO) y la SENESCYT, a través del programa de Becas WLO-Senescyt.


El Ministro de Turismo, Mateo Estrella, firmó un convenio con la World Literacy Organization (WLO) y la SENESCYT, a través del programa de Becas WLO-Senescyt.

El Gobierno Nacional entrega 3.000 becas para la formación de docentes de Educación Superior en el idioma inglés.


El Gobierno Nacional entrega 3.000 becas para la formación de docentes de Educación Superior en el idioma inglés.

Programa de Becas al 100% en el Curso de Inglés A1 para ecuatorianos en España con World Literacy Organization.


Programa de Becas al 100% en el Curso de Inglés A1 para ecuatorianos en España con World Literacy Organization.