World Literacy Organization

World Literacy Organization


Promotes comprehensive academic development through innovative solutions to ensure equity and inclusion in quality education

Academic Development and Strengthening Program 2024 LAC

The World Literacy Organization (WLO) - Organización Mundial de Alfabetización through the Latin America and the Caribbean Academic Development and Strengthening Program 2024, in conjunction with the different governments, ministries, and institutions of the region, it seeks to benefit a large part of the population through academic programs adapted to the different needs of Latin American citizens.

These resources may include courses, experts, diplomas, master's degrees, degrees, doctorates, and other means adapted to the specific needs of each country and sector.

In close collaboration with the governments, ministries, and educational institutions of each country in the region, thus granting comprehensive development tools to all its inhabitants, positively impacting the social and economic sphere of each of the participating countries.

World Literacy Organization


The World Literacy Organization (WLO) is an international organization dedicated to promoting literacy and education around the world. Since its founding, WLO has been working tirelessly to address educational disparities and improve access to quality education for all people, regardless of their geographical location or socioeconomic status.

Over the years, the World Literacy Organization has developed a wide range of educational programs and projects, collaborating closely with governments, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, and other entities to achieve its goals. These programs have addressed various areas of education, from basic literacy to continuing education or fourth-level degrees, and have reached millions of people around the world.

In addition to its educational programs, WLO has been a leading advocate for literacy worldwide, advocating for policies and practices that promote literacy and education for all. The organization has actively participated in international conferences, collaborated with other international organizations, and worked closely with the media to raise awareness about the importance of literacy and education.

As it moves forward into the 21st century, WLO continues to adapt to changing educational challenges and seek new ways to address the educational needs of today's society. With a renewed focus on the digital age and an unwavering commitment to its core values of equity, inclusion, and quality education, the World Literacy Organization remains a leading force in the field of literacy and education worldwide.

The educator is the man who makes difficult things easy.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Latest News

La Organización Mundial de Alfabetización (WLO) incentiva la educación a bajo costo con el “Programa de Desarrollo y Fortalecimiento Académico 2024 para Latinoamérica y el Caribe”

La misión de la World Literacy Organization (WLO), a través del “Programa de Desarrollo y Fortalecimiento Académico”, es abordar las necesidades educativas de los países de Latinoamérica y El Caribe, centrándose principalmente en el desarrollo académico y el fortalecimiento de todos sus ciudadanos.

Programa de Desarrollo y Fortalecimiento Académico 2024 de la ‘World Literacy Organization’

El “Programa de Desarrollo y Fortalecimiento Académico 2024 para Latinoamérica y el Caribe” de la Organización Mundial de Alfabetización – World Literacy Organization, se enfoca en abordar las necesidades reales de los países de la región en términos de desarrollo académico y fortalecimiento de profesionales y técnicos superiores universitarios.

La Organización Mundial de Alfabetización promueve valores fundamentales por un mejor desarrollo educativo

La Organización Mundial de Alfabetización (OMA) destaca su compromiso inquebrantable con la promoción de la educación a nivel global y la búsqueda activa de alianzas internacionales para fortalecer su impacto. A lo largo de su trayectoria, la OMA ha llevado a cabo una diversidad de programas educativos a nivel mundial, marcando una diferencia tangible en comunidades de todo el mundo.

Institutional Allies


Programs conducted

Currently, we have executed over 376 programs, consolidating alliances with institutions in each country where we have had a presence.

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